Wednesday 13 July 2011

Milli and Calliope

My favorite girl, with her favorite girl =)

Miss Milli is wearing her Winter Dreams Sun Bonnet and carrying her Pirate Monkey Calliope. Milli loves strawberries, sunshine, and playdates. She especially loves adventures with her best monkey friend Calliope, who is a swashbuckling pirate who loves climbing mountains and searching for hidden diamonds.

Check out our Etsy store for a Monkey playmate for your favorite little Miss or Mister.

Monkey signing off

Sweet dreams xoxo

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Today's blog brought to you by... T-Shrts!

Busy busy busy little monkey's we have been!

Pressies to made for a few lucky little monkeys.

'Too Tweet'

This one was made to go with the ' Talk of The Town Sun Bonnet ' (click the link for a direct route to our etsy store)

'Daddy was a Hippy'

and finally

'Super Mean Green Submarine'

And there's yesterday's offerings =)

Sunday 10 July 2011

Wallpaper Hootie

As promised - Wallpaper Hootie. All our T-shirts are one of a kind, but we can make you something similar if you can't live without it.

Saturday 9 July 2011

Off to the hills we go!

Packed the RR full of goodies for young and old (but still young at heart) for a BBQ lunch with some dear friends :).

The monkeys have been busy busy this week, with excursions to LuLu's house, playdates with our Antenatal group, beach trips and to cap it all off a big trip to G.G's(Great Grandparent's) house. It's amazing we managed to fit in any sewing!

We did manage to get this beauty completed for a very lucky birthday girl - we call her Wallpaper Hootie, because of her striped wings.

Hrmm - looks like I was a bit ambitious. I can't work out how to load the piccie from my iPhone. So we'll just have to wait until we get home this afternoon.

Hope you're all out in the sunshine getting your vitamin D

xoxo The Monkeys