Tuesday 20 March 2012

Back in action!

Hiya Monkeys!!

just popping in quickly to let you all know about a fabulous sponsored give away going on at one of our favorite's blogs Lost Cabin Vintage!


be sure to pop on in and check it out! It's totally worth it!

Love love Monkey #1

Friday 20 January 2012


Amazing things have happened in the kitchen this week

  1. We have internet, wireless routed, faser than Catholic sinner to confession on a sunday snap snap snappy internet! And i am completely enamoured!
  2. Our friends over at Lost Cabin Vintage did a little piece on us for their new  Meet the Maker feature, not only did the make our stock look 'AMAZEBALLS' but you get to know a bit more about su and how we tick
  3. Milli and i painted, oh did we paint, we painted the sofa, the balcony, the table and chairs... and once miss was done, i cleaned it all off with a nice blue chucks rag... ahhh i love water soluable poster paint!
  4. I managed to keep a secret... yes me! Motor Mouth/Madi Foot in Mouth/Sh who cant keep a secret... it's impressive to all those who know me well.
We have been busy little critters here in the kitchen, we posted Monkey goodness far and wide and had a great giveaway where one of our facebook followers won a special little monkey they can call their own!

Most importantly though, we added a new Monkey to the kitchen... Stay tuned to find out more about her....

Monday 16 January 2012

Serious Blog Neglect!

Ok, so one of my new years resolutions was to pay more attention to our blog.... that has worked out not so well... but now we finally have internet set up in the house (after almost 3 years of not having it at home) i deciedeit's probably a good idea to start getting my butt into gear! Especially seeing that i have lots of lovely friends here in blog land.

A quick M in the K update... We had our first market on Sunday, It came with such anticipation and excitement. The night before up until 11:30am finishing what we could, the following morning waking up at 6am to get there in time for set up. And then the first hour sitting there nervously waiting for someone to validate all our hard work by purchasing one of our creations... I can honestly say i took the day as it came, i was a little disappointed, yet relieved that people loved our stuff. I think it will just take a while for us to really get our name out there. Luckily enough we have some great M in the K followers who support us, and create some great hype!

Here's some piccies from the weekend

Gorgeous Ruffles

Twas the night before the Sunny Coast Baby and Kids Market, And all Monkeys we're slaving... even the boy ones!

Our Market Stall at the Sunny Coast Kids and Baby Market

Monkeys ready for new homes
 Let's just say the aftermath is not a pretty one... i have so much cleaning up to do, and no desire to do it.

The 'sewing room' hahaha

So that's been the excitement in a nutshell.. i'm off t vacumm the house for the 2nd time this week, note to self, milli is not to eat cheese sticks out of the high chair!

xoxo Monkey #1