Sunday 27 November 2011

Jim Henson.... on speed

Hi Monkey land!

So, i'm at my mumma's place (after a quick shop at spotlight to get some christmas inspired fabric) and she says to me "you have to check out this guy on Etsy... his name is Astronuts" I've just lost my mind on this guy! He is one of a kind AMAZING!

Just thought he was worth the share!

xo Monkey #1

Thursday 24 November 2011


Like as in seriously, honest to goodness, life is not worth living (ok maybe that's a bit extreme) love Christmas!

So to celebrate this love we're doing a give away a week until the fat man in the red suit's big day!

Head over to our facebook page and enter into our first comp. It's a simple but good one "If I won two sun bonnets I would share them with... Because..." There's is a piccie on Miss M  (#3) in her Cherry Pop Sun Bonnet, simply fill a comment in and then cross ll ur fingers and toes that our judge likes your creative answer!

On another note - I'd just like to give a shout out to a special friend Lost Cabin Vintage. she's collaborated with Dinosaur Toes for an auction to raise money for a fabulous cause. So go check her out!!!

Anyways i must away #3 is tantrumming like a tooper! ah gosh i love that angry gurgle!

Xo Mokey #1

Monday 21 November 2011

Dear Blog!

Dear Blog,

I'm sorry - for the neglect. You deserve better. Feel free to leave us if you wish but I endeavor to treat you better going forward. Am I forgiven? I've just been so busy with your friend Janome.


On a serious note. Update coming very soon! Because we'd love to introduce you all to some very dear friends of ours... Or at least some other clever and crafty mummas!

Madi aka. Monkey #1