Friday 20 January 2012


Amazing things have happened in the kitchen this week

  1. We have internet, wireless routed, faser than Catholic sinner to confession on a sunday snap snap snappy internet! And i am completely enamoured!
  2. Our friends over at Lost Cabin Vintage did a little piece on us for their new  Meet the Maker feature, not only did the make our stock look 'AMAZEBALLS' but you get to know a bit more about su and how we tick
  3. Milli and i painted, oh did we paint, we painted the sofa, the balcony, the table and chairs... and once miss was done, i cleaned it all off with a nice blue chucks rag... ahhh i love water soluable poster paint!
  4. I managed to keep a secret... yes me! Motor Mouth/Madi Foot in Mouth/Sh who cant keep a secret... it's impressive to all those who know me well.
We have been busy little critters here in the kitchen, we posted Monkey goodness far and wide and had a great giveaway where one of our facebook followers won a special little monkey they can call their own!

Most importantly though, we added a new Monkey to the kitchen... Stay tuned to find out more about her....

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